USD 0.89 btc 57335.00

USD 0.89 btc 57335.00
Ziņas 05. Novembris 2020

Five Reasons to Invest in Balkans Right Now


Baltic edition

What do you know about investing in Balkans and more precisely in the region’s real estate? For many European investors this is an exotic destination close to home.The region is unfairly overlooked, and this is understandable- all investments require a trusted partner and there was alack of them. This is about to change- meet a crowdlending platform DENA Invest, who not only have a vast local knowledge and experience, but also have combined best FinTech innovationsand practices in one place.

Now, European investor can invest in Balkan Real Estate fully online with few clicks as little as Eur 50 and earn around 12% per year. Investing is a must for modern population to achieve financial independence. If you wonder why Balkan Real Estate- we have listed five facts, which will clarify why this asset is a must in your investment portfolio:

  1. EU Enlargement

DENA Invest is the crowdlending platform, which facilitates investments in Western Balkan real estate. While Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, and Slovenia are already part of the European Union, all other members (Kosovo, Albania, Northern Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina) are in different stages of accession to the Union. On the 6th of October 2020 European Commission has approved the Economic and Investment plan for Western Balkans, to facilitate the integration of the potential member states and are planning to spend Eur 9 Bn on different sectors of the economy. This package is expected to facilitate the private investment flows worth Eur 20 Bn in the next decade.

Even though all ten countries have different political and economic circumstances, this makes their real estate market an attractive investment destination, because it is benefitting from rising living standards and economic development.

  1. High Price Growth Potential

If you are not sure what happens to the country’s real estate market after it joins the EU it is useful to examine the similar cases. When looking at the neighboring Hungary, which is one of the success stories of integrating with the EU, the upside looks even more appealing. The capital is experiencing the real property boom- over the last five years rents in Budapest have doubled, while real estate prices have increased even more in some districts of Budapest.

  1. Migrants Driving Demand

The EU integration is not the only price driver for the Balkan real estate- the migrant population, living in the Western European countries are a major force driving the demand for their home-country real estate. Take Kosovo, for example, they have experienced a massive population outflow in the past decades. The money remittances, of the migrants are a significant part of the Kosovo GDP varying between 10-15%. Besides, it is extremely popular to buy a second home on their motherland. The proposed economic stimulus and integration is expected to lure back the working migrants, which will boost the property prices even further.

  1. Real Estate is a Good Protection

The current economic crisis caused by the external factor- pandemics has shown that the real estate is one of the safest assets to own to protect from any uncertainties. While major asset classes have seen swings in prices, some were explained only by the nervousness of the investors, the real estate prices did not only not fall, it stayed stable and grew in some regions.

  1. No Need for Large Capital

Real estate investing is attractive with no doubt, however one of the possible downsides is large initial capital required to own such asset accompanied by the time-consumingpurchasing process. This is not the case anymore thanks to advanced technology which created a revolution in how we invest, FinTech and PropTech companies were born. Now, large sums are not required anymore- it is possible to own a part of the property investing as little as Eur 50.

DENA Invest allows anymore in Europe to invest in Balkan Real Estate. It is simple- we source the attractive real estate with great return potential and offer our clients to invest. Everything is done online thanks to the advanced technology- the KYC, AML checks, transfer of funds, principal repayment, and interest payments.

Don’t Wait

Investors across Europe have explored the benefits crowdlending platforms have to offer. It is very important to understand in what underlying assets you are putting your money into- what are the risks, what are the ethical concerns. The real estate throughout the centuries proved to be one of the most ethical and stable assets. People have invested in real estate since ancient times, but now it is great to invest in this favored asset class using modern solutions.

Besides, no matter how safe the investment asset is, it is always important to remember the golden rule of investing- diversification is a must. Even if you are already an investor with crowdlending platforms, the Balkan Real Estate will provide you with diversification you won’t find elsewhere.

DENA Invest was founded by Kosovo entrepreneurs who have a great vision for the Balkan region’s development. DENA Invest aims to make the Balkan region an attractive investment destination which will boost economic development and will benefit European Investors by offering an attractive yield and diversification opportunity.We are your trusted partner in the Balkan real estate, you are welcome to register on our platform and learn more at


Arberia Neigborhood from Dena Invest on Vimeo.


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